PINK CLOUD – installation by Rada Yakova, 2021, steel mesh, mixed media
see #PinkCloudBlast from 30th of October in Regional history museum, Ruse, as part of the traveling exhibition “WHY IN THE WORLD BULGARIAN ART?!”

The pink cloud is an artistic expression of the thirst for positivism. It is full of the dreams of each one of us, with our desire to be recognized, to be seen and part of the big great. It carries all these longings and is ready to explode above our heads at any moment, flooding us with love and faith in that which is better. It is an expression of freedom and a human unburdened by his/her vices. There is no envy, no vanity, no attachments and dependencies in the pink cloud. It does not bear the brunt of the awkward story and is not moved by the direction of the wind. It is created by the chaos of the creative spirit and nothing more.

The pink cloud is a gift for those who want to capture in their hands the power of hope, longing and dream that art brings with it.