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Plamen Madjarov

Plamen Madjov is young Bulgarian artist who is in a process of interpretation the art instruments. He is sharing his artistic endeavor through different techniques and approaches to the white (and not so white) canvas.
About his work he says: Classical graphic techniques used in such way that I can depict our surroundings, whether on the street or in the more intimate scope of the home or the inner personal world of feelings and memories is something that interests me and that guided me to the world of art. I am still a student at the National Academy of Arts, majoring in Graphics. I am excited about the different surfaces that printing can create, as well as the work with the material, the unexpected result after printing. Also, the improvement of my skills of printing, a journey that is long, but which I find pleasant and satisfying with each subsequent print. The drawing itself has always excited me, but over time it has receded into the background and now all my attention is occupied by trying to recreate what impresses me, but also what scares me. For example, by presenting urban scenes that I come across on a daily basis, I try to convey the desolation and timelessness that some of these scenes have shown me, as well as the beauty that lies in them. In the same way, I look at the inner world, mainly trying to work with the memories I have, memories that are not necessarily from my childhood, but are simply fragments of events, and in this particular case they are more like fragments of images. This kind of puzzle is what I use in some of the works as a main figure in my compositions.






Works in Auctions:

THE SECRETS – May 20th / June 6th 2021

Presenting art works: Calm down, 2020, drypoint; Urban fragments, 2020, drypoint; Scars, 2020, drypoint; In Sofia, 2020, linocut; Pieces of memory, 2021, drypoint