The Secrets
The Secrets –
“I know one thing, but please don’t tell anyone!”
With this month’s auction, we decided to challenge the truth. The secret is not the absence of truth, but it’s unspoken, silent presence. Probably we have all experienced this breath, which tells us that there is something tiny or big, always silent, always unveiled. Today we live in a world of dreams, illusions, ready-made and filtered images, set situations and powdered mythologies, which are served to us from every corner of public life for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These intrusive symbolisms, which always have something to tell us and always try to convince us of their rightness – to listen to them, to follow them, to be like them…, they build a special mysterious world, which we gradually allow in our personal space.

The hardest thing for us today is to be honest! In front of ourselves and the world. We are constantly given thousands of opportunities to hide and erase small details about the great truth – that we grow old, that we are not the only ones, the chosen ones, that we will not escape the consequences of our actions, that we always remain alone when we look inside our soul. These small details become secrets, accumulate and finally scatter the trust of endless pieces. They also shatter our beliefs, our dreams and the imaginary world, which we diligently build with tiny pieces of secret material.
“Secrets” is rather a critical auction that addresses precisely this issue and the great challenge of trust, of faith in art, free from secrets and forgeries, free from the dangers of being something that is not, to try and to erase the wrinkles of our face or to cover up some state bribes, with pre-set myths and expectations, with the promise for better times.

You have probably already noticed that one of the most characteristic things about Secrets is that they always light up like wooden sticks on the surface. Even well-kept secrets find their way to the bright side and lift themselves from the depths of our social order to bring a lot of confusion, chaos and most of all to have fun on our backs with the paradoxes which they create. But did you know that secrets face a huge danger of extinction?! Today, in a world where everyone is tracked, recorded, registered and coded everywhere, it is almost impossible to produce, keep and strictly defend a secret. Therefore, in an effort to preserve the special character of this habitual, natural human practice known as “I’ll tell you, but don’t tell to anyone” – we decided to show you 25 secret works that you should not show to anyone else! They all have special stories, hidden details about their creation and know more about their authors than anyone else in the world. These works will never reveal the secrets of their creators, unless you take them with you. There they will reveal everything to you in the smallest of details. As long as you promise to keep this new knowledge just for your own use, of course.

Secrets can be harmless, funny, curious, dangerous, big, insignificant, personal, social… all types. But every secret carries an information code, similar to the annoying piece of the puzzle that is always lost and missing somewhere. We see the whole picture with that gap and although we know intuitively what should be filling the empty space, this missing element irritates our senses, maintains our interest and curiosity, provokes us to dig and search for the little lost piece. Like forest fireflies on a dark summer evening, secrets play with us. We think they illuminate the direction in the darkness when they actually just hang around to tease our imagination. Their alluring light offers us a dream that after the darkness of ignorance comes initiation – the insight into the secrets, the comprehension of the meaning, the arrangement of the whole picture. But isn’t this just an empty promise?

With the new auction we tell you about 25 secrets of our five new artists to enlighten you in their art world. You can see the works of Emilia Emilova, Iliyana Kancheva, Kalina Hristova, Martin Penev and Plamen Madjarov from May 20 to June 6 here. Days for viewing and direct sale of some of the paintings are from 20 to 23 May
Can you keep the secret and not tell anyone about this?